+30 210-5202700 info@atlantis.gr
+30 210-5202700 info@atlantis.gr

Jewish heritage tour of Greece – an amazing 10-day tour – November 3rd to 12th, 2024

The Jewish heritage tour of Greece
an amazing 10-day tour - November 3rd to 12th, 2024
Combine the Jewish history of Greece with Greek culture & beauty, in 10 amazing days!
visiting 11 cities/towns in Greece, and 8 incredible synagogues
Organized by Atlantis Travel Agency, the oldest travel agency in Greece!

Cost of the Tour: starting from 1995 EURO per person (see the details below)
Book your place not later than Monday July 8th by filling in the Booking form.


DAY 1 – Sunday November 3rd ATHENS
As soon as you land in ATHENS, you will be met by our representative at the airport, and transferred to your hotel in Athens. You will enjoy a free day at leisure in Athens, with an optional visit to the National Archaeological Museum. You can walk in the traditional area of Monastiraki, taste some souvlaki and gyros, and get to know this incredible city! In the evening we will enjoy a WELCOME DINNER at the Community Center of the Jewish Community of Athens. Overnight in Athens. (D)

DAY 2 – Monday November 4th ATHENS
In the morning we will have a Tour of the Jewish Sites of Athens. This will include the visit to the Jewish Museum, the Synagogue of Athens, the Holocaust Memorial, and other sites of Jewish interest. In the evening, we will have a walk through Plaka, the beautiful area of old Athens, with picturesque paved streets and hundreds of boutique shops. Then we will enjoy dinner and a Greek folklore show with traditional Greek singing and dancing. Overnight in Athens. (B, D)

DAY 3 – Tuesday November 5th CHALKIDA & VOLOS
After breakfast, we will depart with our bus from Athens to CHALKIDA, a beautiful town which is the capital of Evoia island. We will visit the Synagogue of Chalkida, and learn about the rich Jewish history of the town. We then head to VOLOS, where we will arrive at about 2:45 PM. We will check into our hotel, and rest for a couple of hours. At 5:15 PM we will visit the Synagogue of Volos and the Holocaust Memorial of Volos. Dinner and overnight in Volos. (B, D)

After breakfast in Volos, we will have a short tour to PELION, visiting the picturesque village of Makrynitsa. We then proceed to LARISSA, where we will stop for 1 hour for visiting the Synagogue and the Monument of Jewish Martyrs of the Holocaust. We continue to TRIKALA, where we will stop for about 2 hours for visiting the Synagogue and having lunch. Then we will visit KALAMBAKA, a small town built at the foot of majestic gray rocks, where we will stop for about 1 hour for admiring the breathtaking METEORA monasteries. We then head to IOANNINA (Yannena), a beautiful town with a very rich Jewish history. We will arrive there at about 7:00 PM and settle in our hotel. Dinner and overnight in Ioannina. (B, D)

DAY 5 – Thursday November 7th IOANNINA
After breakfast, we will have a tour of the Jewish sites of Ioannina, including the Synagogue and the Cemetery. In the afternoon, we will have a boat ride in the beautiful lake, visiting the small islet. Dinner and overnight in Ioannina(B, D)

After breakfast in Ioannina, we depart for METSOVO, a picturesque little town, where we will stop for one hour. Then we continue to VEROIA, a wonderful small town with an amazing old Synagogue in Barbouta area (the old Jewish quarter of Veroia). Then we head to THESSALONIKI, where we will arrive at about 2:00 PM. Settle in our hotel, go for lunch, and rest. In the evening we will enjoy a heartwarming Kabbalat Shabbat and dinner. Overnight in Thessaloniki. (B, D)

DAY 7 – Saturday November 9thTHESSALONIKI
Free day in Thessaloniki. Of course it’s possible to go to the Synagogue for the Shabbat service.
In the evening we will have a nice walk in the center of Thessaloniki and Ladadika area. Dinner and overnight in Thessaloniki. (B, D)

DAY 8 – Sunday November 10th – THESSALONIKI
After breakfast, we start exploring the amazing Jewish sites of this city. We will walk together through the historical center of Thessaloniki, where Jewish life used to flourish from the 15th century until World War II. We start the tour by visiting the Jewish Museum of Thessaloniki, and continue to the main Synagogue Monastirioton“, the only pre-war synagogue (out of 43) still existing in the city. We will then visit “Yad Lezikaronsynagogue and continue to Modiano market, in the heart of the former quarter of Jewish life in the city. We will proceed to Yahudi Hamam and then to Allatini Bank in Frangon area, the heart of the commercial life of the past. We will then visit the Shoah monument (Holocaust memorial) at Liberty Square, where the first Nazi prosecution of Thessaloniki’s Jews took place.
After a short break for lunch, we will continue with a bus to get to know many more Jewish sites in Thessaloniki! We will drive to the old train station, from where the deportations to Auschwitz Birkenau had started. Then we will drive to the east part of the city, to see the villas of the wealthy Jews of the prewar period – some masterpieces among them! We will continue to Yeni Cami, which used to be a mosque built for the converted Jews (a jewel of architecture, loaded with an amazing story), the old city walls with an amazing view, and of course the University campus with the recently inaugurated monument for the destroyed ancient Jewish cemetery, where there used to be more than 350.000 tombs (totally destroyed today). Of course, during the tour, we will also also admire the touristic attractions of the city, the White Tower, the Rotonda, Kamara, etc. Return to the hotel at about 5:00 PM. Dinner and overnight in Thessaloniki. (B, D)

DAY 9 – Monday November 11thATHENS
In the morning we fly to Athens. Our bus will be waiting for us at the airport of Athens, and we will immediately start the Athens Sightseeing Tour (about 4 hours). We will see the Temple of Olympian Zeus, Hadrian’s Arch, Zappion, the National Garden, and the House of Parliament. We will stop at the “Memorial to the Unknown Soldier” where we will see the Evzones in their picturesque uniform. Pass by the Academy of Fine Arts, the University and the National Library. Then visit the Panathenaic Stadium, the cradle of the first Olympic Games of the modern era (1896). We will then visit the Acropolis & Parthenon (the most important monuments of Greece). We will arrive at our hotel at about 2:00 PM. Free time for lunch and rest. In the evening, we will have a Farewell dinner at a traditional Greek taverna with live bouzouki music, singing and dancing! There is no better way for ending this incredible tour, which will create memories for a lifetime! Overnight in Athens
. (B, D)

DAY 10 – Tuesday November 12th – ATHENS
Transfer to the airport of Athens for our return flight. (B)

OPTIONAL – You can stay in Athens for more nights, before or after this Tour!
If you wish, you can arrive to Athens 1 or 2 nights BEFORE this Tour, that is on Friday November 1st or on Saturday November 2nd.  OR you can depart from Athens 1 or 2 nights AFTER this Tour, that is on Wednesday November 13th or on Thursday November 14th.
There are many activities that you can have during your additional days in Athens! You can take an incredible one-day cruise to 3 Greek islands (Hydra, Poros, Aegina), at a discounted price.
Or otherwise, you can take a Full-day tour to DELPHI, or a Full-day tour to Nafplion, Epidaurus, Mycenae.
If you prefer to spend a day in Athens, then you can visit the National Gallery of Greece (which includes countless masterpieces), or you can visit an incredible winery, and many more attractions!

* The additional cost for an extension of 1 day (1 night) is 79 EURO per person on double occupancy of the hotel room, and 139 EURO per person on single occupancy of the hotel room.

Cost & Details

The total cost of this Tour is:
2095 EURO per person, when sharing Double (or twin) rooms at the hotels
2495 EURO per person, when having Single rooms at the hotels
1995 EURO per person, when sharing Triple rooms at the hotels

Payment Plan:
A downpayment of 700 EURO per person is required until Monday July 8th 2024.
The second deposit of 700 EURO per person is required until Monday August 5th 2024.
The balance payment is due until Monday September 16th 2024.

Early-Booking Discount:
Reserve and pay in full until Monday July 8th 2024, and receive an Early-Booking Discount of 100 EURO. So, in this case, the price will be 1995 EURO per person on double occupancy, 2395 EURO per person on single occupancy, and 1895 EURO per person on triple occupancy.

Cancellation Policy:
FULL REFUND in case of cancelling until September 16th. In this case, only a 3% handling fee will be kept, for covering the credit card expenses.
15% cancellation fees from September 17th to 26th.   30% cancellation fees from September 27th to October 4th.
50% cancellation fees from October 5th to 12th.   70% cancellation fees from October 13th to 19th.
90% cancellation fees from October 20th to 25th.   100% cancellation fees (no refund) on October 26th or later.
* We consider 5:00 PM Greek time as the end of a day.
** In case of a passenger getting seriously ill (hospitalization required) shortly before the departure date, then it will be possible to substitute the name of this passenger by another one (even at the last minute), otherwise an effort will be made to reduce the cancellation fees for the sick person.
We recommend that the passengers will have Cancellation Insurance. You can buy this through any Insurance Company in your country – otherwise we can suggest a reliable Insurance Company.

Secure your place not later than Monday July 8th by filling in the Booking form below!

Inclusions & Exclusions

The price INCLUDES

  • Transportation by luxurious air-conditioned buses for the duration of the tour, exactly as per the above itinerary.
  • Experienced guides and escorts, for the whole above itinerary. They are local Jews, with a deep knowledge of the Jewish sites of Greece. They speak fluently English, Spanish and Hebrew.
  • Accommodation in excellent and central First Class 4-star hotels for 9 nights. Specifically:
    In Athens, the 2 nights of November 3rd and 4th, 2024, including breakfast.
    In Volos, the 1 night of November 5th 2024, including breakfast and dinner.
    In Ioannina, the 2 nights of November 6th and 7th, 2024, including breakfast and dinner.
    In Thessaloniki, the 3 nights of November 8th, 9th and 10th, 2024, including breakfast (and dinner on 9th and 10th).
    In Athens, the 1 night of November 11th 2024, including breakfast.
  • Totally 9 breakfasts at the hotels
  • Totally 9 dinners:
    Welcome dinner in Athens on November 3rd 2024.
    Dinner at a traditional taverna with folklore show in Athens on November 4th 2024.
    Kabbalat Shabat dinner in Thessaloniki on November 8th 2024.
    6 dinners at the hotels (mentioned above) on November 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th and 10th, 2024.
    Farewell dinnet at the Greek taverna with live singing and bouzouki music in Athens on November 11th 2024.
  • The air tickets for the flight from Thessaloniki to Athens in the morning of November 11th. This will include a checked suitcase up to 23 KGs plus a small carry-on.
  • All taxes are included in the price, except only the City Tax for the hotels (as described below).

The meals will include everything except pork and seafood. There will also be vegetarian choices.
There is a possibility of having FISH during the meals at the additional cost of 7 Euro per meal. It is also possible that the fish will be grilled while wrapped in aluminium foil and served with vegetables on plastic plates, with plastic forks and knives.
Alternatively, there is a possibility of having KOSHER MEALS at an additional cost of 27 Euro per lunch box or dinner box.

The price does NOT include

  • Flights to Greece. You need to reserve your own flights. It is advisable to land in Athens in the morning (or noon) of Sunday November 3rd 2024 (or on any day before that), and depart from Athens on Tuesday November 12th 2024 at any time that you wish (or on any day after that). If you wish to arrive to Athens before or after the Tour Dates, please let us know, and we will book for you the extra nights at the hotel at the lowest possible cost.
  • Entrance fees to the Acropolis archaeological site, the Jewish Museums of Athens and Thessaloniki, and all the Synagogues that we will visit. At the time being, the entrance fees to all the above sites are 64 EURO per person (totally).
    There is a possibility that some entrance fees may change slightly in the future. Also, in some sites there are discounts for students and for senior citizens.
  • The City Tax for the hotels is totally totally 72 Euro per room for all the 9 nights (so it will be 36 Euro per person who is sharing a double room, or 28 Euro per person who has a single room at the hotels). These can be paid to the Group Guide in the beginning of the tour.
  • Lunches throughout the tour. We will always be giving suggestions about where to eat at nice tavernas, or where to get a light lunch in between the daily tours.
  • Drinks throughout the tour.
  • Gratuities / tips
  • Personal expenses

Fill in your details and preferences below, for expressing your interest to participate in this Tour.
Alternatively, if you prefer, you can send us an email.

Booking form
Your Contact Information
Please make sure that your name & email address are given correctly.
Number of Passengers - Cost Calculation
Passengers in Double or Twin rooms:
Passengers in Single rooms:
Passengers in Triple rooms:
Travel Requests (if any):
Preferred Language of the Tour:

As soon as we receive this form from you, we will contact you, reply to any questions you may have, make a provisional reservation for you, and then we will send you the link to our secure website for proceeding to the deposit payment (or total payment if you prefer).

About Atlantis Travel Agency

Atlantis Travel Agency has been 76 years in the traveller’s service (since 1948).
It is the OLDEST travel agency in Greece, and one of the few agencies in the world that are members of IATA since 1951 (IATA # 27218424).
Based on our long experience in the Greek market, we are happy to offer our expertise and lowest prices for travel services of the highest quality in Greece.
We have a deep knowledge of the Jewish history of Greece, and great bonds with the local Jewish community.
Except Jewish tours, we also offer Cruises, Sightseeing tours, Travel Packages, and all kinds of Travel Services in Greece.
Our philosophy is to treat every client as a friend, so we offer a personalized customer service. You will not benefit just by our lower prices, but you will also have Real People to take care of you when you are here in Greece.
Don’t hesitate to contact us by email or by telephone at +30-210-5202700, for any inquiry that you may have!

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